Dr. Topol and AI (Deep Medicine)
- insufficient time
- incomplete data
- incomplete context
- empathy is not present if we don't give patients time to tell their story...
David Coverly (2019-12-16)
Making a Difference
(core messages)
👉 "standing up for patients!"
- dealing with impact of healthcare worker burnout attrition
- "accepting the gift of time" [that deep learning can provide]
What Happened
- 70s - still about human connection
- 80s - healthcare as big business
- 90s - EHR - doctors/nurses become "data clerks"
- 1/2 are burnt out, 20% clinically depressed, increasing suicide rate
The Future of Clinical Machine Intelligence (AIMI, Stanford, Aug 2020 slide)
Deep Learning
"transformative sub-type of A.I."
- watch for human bias in algorithms
- reality is some things will go doctorless (eg. skin rash) (so we can't deny this is happening) & to focus efforts on more serious matters which require collaboration between doctors & deep learning agents