ok! The time has arrived to create a blog-like component that indexes writing in this space. [the more I work on this page, the more I’m relaxing it’s like an index to a book - I’ll create an alphabetical index on a rainy day! ☔️]
Now, I would have preferred Notion have a built-in page history (with RSS!) and even better yet, a mechanism to automatically surface meatier pages (coming soon, I’m sure 🤞🏼).
Entries below are currently [manually] sorted by reverse chronological order (by creation date) (it would be nice if this were a table/database sortable by other criteria: tags, last edited, published, etc)
This is a subset of all the pages in this garden (many of which are empty or very sparse). I’ve made a point to list pages I feel are noteworthy that didn’t get highlighted on the front page of Our Community Garden
NOTE: individual database pages (like tools in my Toolbox) did not make the cut (for the most part, yet)
<there were pages created in 2023, just not cataloged!>
Community Energizer (Oct 18, 2022) (src: Apr 14, 2014)
Academic Influences (Oct 6, 2022
video games (Oct 1, 2022)
Self-service (Sept 29, 2022) ++
Page History (Sept 27, 2022) EDM (electronic dance music) (Sept 27, 2022)
Portfolio Career (Sept 27, 2022)
Thailand as a world-class wellbeing hub (Sept 25, 2022) ++
passive income (Sep 25, 2022)
A Theory of Everything (Sept 24, 2022) +