backstory: Implementation Manager and inquiring new ways to develop the BAmF community
types of networks
- teams start by interconnecting their origin stories
- each team member gets to discover why they are there
- they connect the dots looking back (not the cover letter than got them there)
- community members share their origin stories
- each community member gets to discover why they are part of the community
- a rich medium like Notion allows members to interconnect and collaborate on things they care about and feel related
- family members share their life stories
- families get to launch “group memory” and establish what their legacy is
- brings family members closer together (esp if they lead independent lives)
- establishes and maintains relatedness
- it doesn’t need to be public - just “public” amongst family members
- for those who need structure, an Autobiography might be helpful in combing through and discovering important details of their life that contribute to what matters to them
- Notion (think rigorously about “why Notion?”)
- TheBrain (personally think it’s not a good place to start as an interface optimized for “lateral thinking” may not be ideal for novices) (your organization may be able to justify the cost of their TeamBrain offering)
- soon to be: iPad autobio app - an easier starting point focused on use case #3 above
spaces to go public with your team, community or family legacy
- Legacy Commons
- you and your peeps choose to go as public as you like :)