Goals of a Digital Autobiography Platform
- Easy to get started - helps you collect details about your life by interviewing you and creating a first cut of your autobiography quickly (gets you to wkd 2 FAST! :)
- fun for children - takes advantage of touch screen interface and gestures
- Infinitely expandable - people upgrade, expand and transform their personal autobiographies ongoingly
- Builds community
- being a contribution to our Social Commons
- actively connects our originating circles together.
- presences the community what they have to provide as a whole. a visitor from the UK is immediately present to what LA has to offer, for example.
- genealogy tool of the future - kids get related to their parents - connects generations
- identifies [[cultural creatives]] - those that have a passion for bridging cultures
- Easy to share - presents information in a way grandma & grandpa get it (think: turning pages of a book) yet magically interactive
- Autobiography in TheBrain - explore underlying data structure (actively updated)
Better understanding how biographies are developed
Steve Jobs
absolutely love how the style in which Isaacson wrote Steve Jobs’ biography
writing classes
Memoir and Autobiography: Learn the Differences and Tips for Writing Memoir and Autobiography - 2020 - MasterClass
DIY methods
- blog posts advocating the use of Evernote to organize your autobiography
Potential Partners to Explore
- APP: Smarter Biography - “first AI-driven autobiography application”
- https://www.lifebio.org - “Social Engagement for Health” “fight loneliness and isolation”
- APP: StoryGlory - https://web.storyglory.me - apps voices to photos - “capture the legacy of family and friends”
- APP: Biopage - https://biopage.com “personal brand”
- contest: https://www.biopage.com/contest
- APP: BabbleStash - https://www.babblestash.com
- multimedia “flipbook” e-book: https://www.babblestash.com/single-post/2018/01/26/Combine-your-audio-and-text-files-into-a-Visually-Impressive-Flipbook